15 December 2020

Sphero BOLT App-Enabled Robot Ball with Programmable toy for kids

Sphero BOLT App-Enabled Robot Ball 

Sphere Brand
Plastic Substance


Piece Number 1

About this article

MORE THAN JUST A ROBOT: Sphero BOLT is a programlable ball robot that you can drive and code to build and enjoy yourself while studying.

You will learn programming, do functional exercises, and interact your work with the world in advanced but approached fashion.

BOLT's programmable sensors include a compass, light sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, motor encoders and infraround communications as well as an 8x8 LED matrix, that can animate the data and view it in real time. ADVANCED SENSORS & LED MATRIX:

Build IRIDESCENT EXPERIENCES: You can produce and modify game and code for BOLT with the aid of the Scratch blocks, JavaScript or the programming language of Swift Apple by drawing on your computer, using Scratch blocks, or by writing.

BUILT TO LEARN & PLAY: This training robot has a sturdy, scratch resistant, transparent plastic shell that allows inductive charging for 2+ hours of play, and connects to life using Bluetooth SMART to allow you to see the commands and creations of the charger.

INSPIRATION: We created in 2010 with the first Sphero app-enabled robot ball to redefine innovative play experiences. 

We empower a new generation by hands-only applied coding, science, music and arts learning with our undeniably awesome collection of programmable robots and educational resources.